Conversion Rate Optimization Tips for the Busy Marketers

Once your eCommerce website starts attracting regular visitors, the next thing you should be focusing on is conversion rate optimization or CRO. Some of the ways in which you could ensure CRO are –

  1. Personalized Advertising
  2. Email Marketing Campaigns
  3. A/B testing

Download our guide and discover the digital marketing tools that can help your eCommerce business.

Personalized Advertising

To get an edge on your competition, it is critical to consider marketing personalization or personalized Advertising. You get different visitors on your website every day, who think differently. To be able to cater to their needs and demands, you need to segment them and then advertise your products as per their requirements. After all, they will not be very happy to see ads which are of no interest to them. Personalized ads increase the likelihood that your prospective customers will click on them, and few of them will eventually convert into a paying customer.

Personalized ads are the future of Marketing tech. It is transforming how customers look at a brand. Most of the eCommerce websites are utilizing targeted and personalized advertising to track and convert users to customers.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Emails are considered as the most powerful medium to nurture leads. Owing to its one-on-one interaction model, it can be highly personalized based on the action that the individual has taken on your eCommerce site. Few ways in which you can start your email marketing campaigns with, are –

  • By introducing prospects to your eCommerce site
  • By utilizing social proof to build trust and credibility
  • By constantly engaging with your existing customers through offers and discounts
  • By thanking them for their association with your eCommerce store.

All of the above, when practiced over a period of time will improve conversion rate.

A/B Testing

Landing pages are important for any kind of website; and eCommerce sites are no exception. This is the place where a website visitor becomes a prospect, a prospect becomes a lead, and eventually, a lead becomes your customer. Hence, the importance of A/B Testing.

A/B testing is basically comparing two versions of the same web page to evaluate which one performs better. You show two different variants of the website to the same visitors at the same time, and the one which gives a better conversion, wins. In other words, A/B testing allows you to make more out of your existing website traffic. You can test –

  • Headings
  • Sub Headings
  • Testimonials
  • CTA text
  • Links
  • Images etc.

Conversion Rate Optimization is important!

A well implemented CRO strategy means better ROI, cost effectiveness and getting the right customers for your eCommerce website. The AI powered personalization engine Perzonalization can help you convert more users into loyal customers.

Curious to learn more? Take a look at related posts!


Get Perzonalization for a Better Conversion Rate Optimization